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Specialist Lift Repair

Step Lifts

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Step lifts are an innovative accessibility solution designed to provide access to areas with a higher entry point than ground level for individuals with mobility challenges.

They facilitate disabled access for seniors, wheelchair users, and even parents with strollers, offering a practical and cost-effective alternative to wheelchair ramps.

Step lifts can be a life-changing solution, providing easy access to various areas of your home or public spaces.

Step lifts provide wheelchair users with an accessible and cost-effective solution to areas not easily accessible due to height differences.

Consider safety features, mobility needs, practicality, and purpose when selecting a step lift.

Regular maintenance activities are essential for keeping your step lift in good condition. Predictive maintenance techniques can anticipate potential failures.

Factors to Consider When Choosing a Step Lift

When choosing a step lift, it’s essential to consider factors such as:

Additionally, it’s crucial to take into account the type of controls and the intended purpose of the lift.

Customisation Options

One of the key factors to consider when choosing a step lift is the customization options available.

Bespoke sizes, finishes, and styles can be tailored to meet individual preferences and requirements.

To obtain a bespoke step lift, it’s recommended to reach out to the Stannah team for further information.

A bespoke step lift not only provides customization options but also ensures that the lift meets individual desires and needs, making it a perfect fit for any environment.

Installation Process

The installation process for step lifts is typically quick and minimally invasive. Some models, such as Stannah’s small step platform lifts, require just one to two days for installation.

The procedure for installing a step lift involves obtaining a quote from the lift installation company, examining the quote, verifying the drawings, assessing the building structure and support, installing the rail brackets and guide rails, inspecting the space, taking design considerations into account, and executing any mandatory site preparation.

The entire process should be conducted in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions to ensure proper and safe installation.

Indoor and Outdoor Use

Step lifts are versatile solutions for both indoor and outdoor use, providing wheelchair access and increased safety features in various environments.

Stannah’s Lowriser range, for example, offers easy-to-use constant pressure controls, an emergency stop button, and manual lowering capabilities, ensuring the lift functions properly.

Installation of small step platform lifts, such as those provided by Stannah, typically takes one to two days.

Easylift, another popular option, is a compact open-style lift designed for both indoor and outdoor applications, requiring trained maintenance personnel for proper functioning.

Wheelchair Access Solutions

Step lifts offer a practical and cost-effective solution for improving accessibility in limited spaces, providing a viable alternative to wheelchair ramps.

Wheelchair ramps, on the other hand, require regular cleaning and maintenance to keep them safe and functional.

Wheelchair lifts, another popular option, are designed to provide wheelchair users, including the individual wheelchair user, with access to areas not easily accessible due to height differences and are typically powered by electricity.

By considering the specific needs of wheelchair users, step lifts can provide easy access and improve the overall quality of life.

Maintenance and Safety Tips for Your Step Lift

Regular maintenance and safety checks are essential for ensuring the longevity and functionality of your step lift.

The best step lifts include full platform safety edges, overload protection, and emergency lowering, making it a safe and reliable option.

Stannah also offers maintenance services provided by dedicated engineers, ensuring that your step lift remains in optimal condition throughout its lifespan.

Preventive Maintenance

Preventive maintenance includes daily checks and routine servicing to keep your step lift in optimal condition, while corrective maintenance addresses any issues that arise.

It’s essential to inspect all mechanisms on the step lift daily to guarantee it’s functioning properly as part of your maintenance activities.

If an issue is identified during daily inspections, a step lift specialist should be contacted promptly, and the machine should be taken offline until the problem is rectified.

Predictive Maintenance Techniques

Predictive maintenance techniques involve:

By implementing these techniques, you can effectively maintain your step lift and prevent unexpected breakdowns.

Implementing predictive maintenance techniques, along with planned maintenance, can ensure the security and dependability of your step lift, allowing you to address potential issues before they escalate.

Comparing Step Lift Brands and Models

Comparing different step lift brands and models, such as Level Lifts and Stannah, can help you find the best solution for your needs. By considering factors such as:

You can ensure that you select the most suitable option for your requirements.

It is important to research the different brands and models available to ensure that you are making an informed decision.

Level Lifts vs. Stannah

Level Lifts and Stannah offer a variety of step lift solutions with different features and benefits.

By comparing their offerings, you can find the best fit for your needs. Both Level Lifts and Stannah provide a range of step lift options, such as straight, curved, and inclined lifts, with adjustable speed, safety sensors, and remote control features.

By evaluating the advantages of each brand, such as enhanced accessibility, heightened safety, and increased convenience, you can make an informed decision about which step lift is right for you.

Real-Life Applications of Step Lifts

Step lifts have a wide range of real-life applications, providing accessibility solutions for disabled individuals, the elderly, and parents with pushchairs in public buildings and private residences.

In homes, step lifts can be installed on staircases, split levels, and raised patios, enabling individuals to move between different levels of the residence with ease.

In public buildings, step lifts provide accessibility by allowing individuals to navigate between different levels with minimal difficulty.

Outdoor areas can also benefit from step lifts, as they can be installed on staircases, split levels, and raised patios, providing easy access to various areas for individuals with mobility challenges.


In conclusion, step lifts offer a versatile and cost-effective solution for individuals with mobility challenges, providing easy access to various areas both indoors and outdoors.

By considering factors such as customisation options, installation process, and regular maintenance, you can ensure that your step lift remains in optimal condition for years to come.

Whether you’re comparing brands like Level Lifts and Stannah or exploring real-life applications of step lifts, the possibilities are endless for improving accessibility and enhancing the quality of life for those who need it most.

Frequently Asked Questions

What should child maintenance pay for?

Child maintenance payments are designed to cover the everyday needs of the child, such as food, clothing and housing.

It could also include payments towards bills or rent for the home where the child lives.

School fees are not usually covered under child maintenance, however, a family-based arrangement can be created to cover this.

What is the difference between repair and maintenance?

Repairs restore broken, damaged, or malfunctioning assets, while maintenance focuses on proactive activities to prevent damage and extend an asset’s life.

These activities are essential for businesses to keep their assets in good condition and ensure they are running efficiently.

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